Mammographie Eigeninitiative Österreich |
Sonntag, 6. April 2003
woelfin, 6. April 2003 um 23:48:05 OESZ die russische seite der kultur hier die russische kulturseite der pravda
mit u.a. folgendem artikel
Exhibition Dedicated to Russian Artist Nikolai Ilyin Opens in Madrid
The exhibition "Nikolai Ilyin and Graphic Design" opened in the Queen Sofia National Art Museum in Madrid.
The museum ranks second after the famous Prado in Spain. The exposition features 88 books and magazines designed by this innovative artist.
In the 1920s-1930s, he made a great contribution to the development of world graphics. Nikolai Ilyin, who worked for Moscow publishing houses and designed more than a thousand books, introduced new principles of graphic design and invented a new technique, which involved the use of metals.
The Russian graphic art of that epoch, as well as placard art and works by avant-garde painters, had a great influence on the development of fine arts all over the world.
Spain, the motherland of great painters, has been recently showing great interest in Russian fine art, not only in popular avant-garde, but also in classics. -
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Rubrik KunstKultur ... Link woelfin, 6. April 2003 um 11:23:45 OESZ F \ à travers la littérature francaise
Ce que je vous propose avec mon site, c'est un survol des grands mouvements, littéraires et artistiques, qui ont principalement touchés la France. Du côté littéraire, je vous offre l'histoire de la langue et de la littérature française, du Moyen-âge au Symbolisme, avec des oeuvres qui reflètent chaque pièce de cette histoire... Du côté artistique, c'est principalement la même chose malgré qu'on retrouve plus d'oeuvres venants de l'extérieur de la France contrairement à la section littérature.
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